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Washington County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4

Judge Harold C. Riddle is presiding judge of the Precinct Four Justice Court. The court is located at 402 N Main Street, Burton, Texas.  Our office hours are 8:00 am to 12 noon and 1pm until 5pm, Monday through Friday. We are closed weekends and holidays. 

Please note that the Chief Justice Clerk of Precinct 4 is not an attorney, therefore it is against the law for any legal advice to be given from this office. If you are requesting legal advice, you will be forwarded to the attorney of your choice for the necessary information. This is the law and there are no exceptions.

The Court does not accept personal checks for payment of fines.  Payment MUST be in the form of a cashier's check, money order or credit card.

If you are a party to a suit in Precinct Four, please review the court's code of conduct.  You may call the Court at (979) 289-2921, if you have any questions.

Juveniles 16 years and under must present their pleas before the judge and MUST have a parent or legal guardian present.  Please contact the Court for scheduling.

Washington County, Precinct 4 

P. O. Box 120 (Mailing) 

402 N Main Street (physical) 

Burton, TX 77835

E-Mail Address: jp4court@washingtoncountytx.gov 

 (979)289-2921 (office) 


Instructions for credit card payment

To make a credit payment online, visit www.washingtoncountypayments.com. You may also contact a representative for assistance making a payment at (979)353-3007. You will need your ticket or case number or you driver license/ID number to complete your payment.

If you need information regarding your citation and do not have a copy of the courtesy notice, one can be found below for your convenience.

If you have outstanding citations with fines, the following website may be of assistance. https://tickethelptexas.org


Courtesy Letter (January 2020)


In order to use defensive driving to satisfy your citation, you MUST:

• Have a Texas driver license. (Commercial Driver's with CDL's DO NOT qualify for defensive driving, whether driving either a commercial vehicle, a personal vehicle or a motorcycle).

• Certify that you have not taken the course in the previous 12 months for the purpose of ticket dismissal; and

• Have not have been cited for a speed of 25 mph or more than the legal speed limit or for 95 mph or more over the speed limit.

If you have received a citation and prefer to request Defensive Driving, you MUST submit the following items to our Court, on or before your appearance date by certified mail:

* 1. A completed reply form - signed, dated & notarized. (You can find a copy of this reply form above by clicking "Courtesy Letter Page 1").

* 2. Proof of your valid Texas liability Insurance.

* 3. A copy of your citation.

* 4. A self-addressed, stamped envelope. (This is an envelope that you address to yourself & put a stamp on.)

* 5. A copy of your valid Texas driver's license.

* 6. A court fee of $ 144.00 which must be in the form of a cashier's check or money order, made payable to Washington County.

Some things to note with the defensive driving option:

You CANNOT take the course before you receive permission from the Court. This means all of the above information needs to be submitted to the Court BEFORE you take the class or sign up. After the Court gives you the permission to use the Defensive Driving option to satisfy your citation, you have 90 days to complete your course and submit your proof of completion. If you fail to meet the 90 day deadline, a WARRANT for your arrest may be issued and your driver license renewal may be denied.


If you would like to request Deferred Probation for your citation, your request MUST be submitted in writing. For your convenience, the Court has a form for you to fill out and submit.

Deferred Disposition Request Judge Riddle.pdf


If you would like to file a civil case in Precinct 4, the following documents are available to you for download. 

Eviction Petition Judge Harold C. Riddle.pdf

Debt Claim Petition Judge Riddle.pdf

Small Claims Petition Judge Riddle.pdf

Repair and Remedy Petition Judge Riddle.pdf

Defendants Answer Justice Court Judge Riddle.pdf

Military Status Website Information Judge Riddle.pdf

Civil Information Sheet.pdf


Judge Harold C. Riddle is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct Four in Washington County.  Judge Riddle took office in January 2023.


Justice of the Peace
Precinct 1
Justice of the Peace
Precinct 2
Justice of the Peace
Precinct 3

Justice Courts