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District Court records may be searched using the following methods:

A Search terminal is available in the reception area of the District Clerk’s Office from 8:00 o’clock a.m. until Noon and 1:00 o’clock p.m. until 4:30 p.m.

To request a records search, email your request to deputyclerk@co.blanco.tx.us 

You may also mail a request for records to the District Clerk's Office at P.O. Box 382, Johnson City, TX 78636.

Record Searches performed by the clerk's office are $5.

The cost for an Emailed Copy of a document filed in a specific case is $1 for the first 10 pages and 10 cents per page for every page after that. Regular Printed Copies are $1 per page.  Certified Copies are $1 per page plus $5 for Certification.

The District Clerk's Office now offers access to a 24 hour website that will allow you to electronically search a selection of index books. This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote access to our index records as an alternative to in-person courthouse access.

The District Clerk Index Record Books made available to search include:

  •  Civil and Criminal Minutes District Court, 1876-1959
  •  Civil Minutes, 1959-1991
  •  Civil Minutes Circuit Court, 1876-1959
  •  Criminal Cases, 1878-1955
  •  Criminal Minutes, 1959-1991
  •  Execution Docket, 1939-1966
  •  Naturalization Records, 1867-1927
  •  Post Index Book, 1991-1997


To access this website for the Index Records listed above click the link below.


Blanco County District Clerk’s Office

PO Box 382

101 East Pecan

Johnson City, TX 78636
