County Court Jury Status
Blanco County Courtroom Dress Code & Order on Cell Phones
- Bare feet, shorts, sleeveless shirts, tank tops, undershirts, or any arrangement of clothing which reveals undergarments or a bare mid-section are prohibited.
- Clothing or body parts that are dirty, malodorous, greasy, potentially injurious, offensive, or which otherwise adversely affect the orderly conduct of business are not permitted.
- Pickets, signs, or any clothing which attempts to display any message relating to any pending case or class of cases are prohibited.
- All clothing, accessories, or tattoos which display writing, script, or images of a profane, sexual, blasphemous, offensive, or infamous nature must be concealed.
- The use of chewing gum, toothpicks, and tobacco products is prohibited inside a courthouse.
- Gentlemen, take off your hats.
- Pagers and Cell Phones MUST be turned off and may not be used while Court is in session.Vibrator-mode pagers may be worn but should not be checked at a time or in a manner so as to disrupt the proceedings.
The existing (more stringent) rules continue to apply to attorneys.
NO food or beverages other than bottle water are permitted in the Courtroom.
This is YOUR Courtroom where matters of extreme importance to the parties are conducted and your attention to adding appropriate dignity to the proceedings is appreciated.