Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

If you receive an Official Jury Summons from the Blanco County District Clerk, you are being summoned to serve as a petit juror in the 33rd or 424th Judicial District Court.  The District Courtroom is located in the Blanco County Annex Building at 101 E. Cypress Street, Johnson City, Texas 78636. 

The Jury Summons for all jury trials will be mailed out two weeks prior to the trial date


Do not fall victim to Jury scams.  No Court Official, Jury Coordinator, Judge, Clerk, Administrator or Sheriff’s Deputy from Blanco County will call or email you requesting personal information such as your name, date of birth or social security number.  In October of 2014 some prospective jurors in Hays County were contacted and requested to pay a fine by purchasing a pre-paid card for failure to report for jury duty.  This is an attempt to steal your identity and financial information.  Report these incidents to the local law enforcement agencies or the District Clerk’s Office.


After receiving your jury summons card, please carefully read all the information on the front and back of card. Attached to this card is an “Affidavit and Certification of Exemption or Disqualification Form”.  If you determine that you are Exempt or you do not meet the Qualifications  to serve as a juror, please complete this form by circling the exemption or qualification that applies to you, date and sign your name at the bottom of the form and mail it back to the District Clerk’s Office, P.O. Box 382, Johnson City, Texas 78636.

If you are unable to comprehend or communicate in the English language,  you have a physical or mental impairment that makes it impossible or very difficult to serve as a juror,  or you are over the age of 70 you 
may request a temporary or permanent exemption.   This exemption may only be granted by a court order once an affidavit is received from the prospective juror.  Please refer to the Affidavit for Temporary/Permanent Exemption Forms located on the District Clerk’s On-Line Forms page and on the District Court Jury Status Page.  Print out the affidavit that applies to you, follow the instructions on the affidavit and return it to the District Clerk’s Office for submission to the Court.  You will be notified if your request is granted or denied.

Should you have any questions you can always call the District Clerk’s Office at 830-868-0973 or email us at deputyclerk1@co.blanco.tx.us  or districtclerk@co.blanco.tx.us 


If you receive a jury summons and have a scheduling conflict, you are allowed to reschedule for another jury trial schedule within the next six months.  By statute you are only allowed to reschedule one time per summons. Therefore be sure to select a date on which you are certain to appear.

To re-schedule you may call the District Clerk’s Office at 830-868-0973 or email us at deputyclerk1@co.blanco.tx.us ; deputyclerk@co.blanco.tx.us 

When requesting to reschedule by email please provide the following information:
  • Your name exactly as it appears on your summons
  • Summons number
  • Which District Court you are to appear in
  • What day and month you are to appear
  • And make note of any information that needs to be corrected

All requests to re-schedule must be done by Noon on the Friday before you are to report for jury duty.  Any request to re-schedule after that time, will have to be presented to the court in person on the day you are to appear for service.

The  TEXAS UNIFORM JURY HANDBOOK as authorized by Chapter 23 of the Government Code is a pamphlet put out by the State Bar of Texas that should answer many of your questions.  However, if you need other assistance you are encouraged to contact the District Clerk’s office by phone or email regarding your jury service no matter what court has sent you a summons. We will be glad to answer any questions regarding jury duty.
