Judge Joe Rathmell
200 E. 7th Avenue, Ste. 115
Zapata, TX 78076
Phone: 956.765.9920
Fax: 956.765.9926
Email: zcjo@zapatacountytx.org
This court generally hears the probate and guardianship cases filed in the county.
In Zapata County the presiding County Judge has jurisdiction over county court matters which consist of class A and B misdemeanors.
Failure to appear may result in forfeiture of your bond and issuance of a Capias for your arrest. Motions must be received and filed by the County Clerk within (10) days after your ARRAIGNMENT. The purpose of the ARRAIGNMENT is: 1.) to confirm your identity 2.) to appoint an attorney to assist in your legal rights to you in full and to take your plea to the charge. You may plead “Guilty”, “Not Guilty”, or “No Contest”.
All Plea Bargains are to be handled prior to the date of the court with the investigators at the County Attorney’s Office. If you are unable to come between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., please call the office during these hours at (956) 765-9905 to make the necessary arrangements for late appointments.
Please be advised that we are under a new administration, and if you are late or do not appear to court, a Capias for your arrest will be issued and you will be arrested. (NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE).