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Zapata County Commissioners' Court

The County Judge and four commissioners comprise the Commissioners' Court, the county's executive and legislative body. A commissioner is entrusted with total authority to approve expenditures of county funds, to set the annual property tax rate, to approve the annual operating budget, and to initiate and fund such services which are authorized by statue for the people of the county. County Commissioners are elected by precinct for four year terms.

  • David R. Moya
    Physical & Mailing Address
    200 E. 7th Avenue, Ste. 115
    Zapata, TX 78076
    Phone: 956.765.9920
    Fax: 956.765.9926
  • Jose A. Solis

    Physical & Mailing Address
    200 E. 7th Avenue, Ste. 115
    Zapata, TX 78076  

    Phone: 956.337.9793
    Fax: 956.765.9926 

  • Pedro Morales
    Physical & Mailing Address
    200 E. 7th Avenue, Ste. 115
    Zapata, TX 78076
    Phone: 956.765.6804
    Fax: 956.765.3526 
  • Roberto Garza
    Physical & Mailing Address
    200 E. 7th Avenue, Ste. 115
    Zapata, TX 78076
    Phone: 956.334.4858
    Fax: 956.765.9926

Other duties of the commissioners court include:

  • Sets the yearly property tax rate and approves the budget and  employment level for the county;
  • Sets commissioners and justice of the peace precinct boundaries;
  • Calls, conducts and certifies elections, including bond elections;
  • Sets employment and benefit policy;
  • Establishes long-range thoroughfare, open space, land use, financial and law enforcement/jail needs plans;
  • Acquires property for rights-of-way or other uses determined to be in the public's best interest;
  • Reviews and approve subdivision platting and wastewater treatment for rural areas;
  • Provides rural ambulance services and subsidizes rural fire protection;
  • Oversees the construction, maintenance and improvement of county roads and bridges;
  • Appoints non-elected department heads and standing committees;
  • Supervises and controls the county courthouse, county buildings and facilities;
  • Adopts a county budget;
  • Determines county tax rates;
  • Fills vacancies in elective and appointive positions; and
  • Has exclusive authority to authorize contracts in the name of the county.