Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Voter Administration/Elections



Click on the image above to visit www.votetexas.gov a website that contains information on frequently asked questions, allows you to check your registration status, and provides other important details about the upcoming elections.

Jeannie Ash
Elections Administrator

2217 A Washington St.
Greenville, TX 75401

Ph: (903) 454-5467
Fx: (903) 454-7905

Monday -Friday
8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.

Closed for Lunch
12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M.


May 3, 2025 - Jurisdiction Election

  • April 3, 2025 - Last Day to Register to Vote
  • April 22, 2025 - Last Day to Submit an Application for Ballot by Mail (received, not postmarked)
  • April 22, 2025 - First Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance
  • April 29, 2025 - Last Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance
  • May 3, 2025 - Last Day to Receive Ballot by Mail


Early Voting Schedule

Election Day Locations

Election Law Calendar

Sample Ballots

Election Notices

  • The Hunt County Voter Administration Office processes all the voter registration applications. There are applications received by mail from individuals that have been mailed one by request, or they have received one from a number of governmental agencies such as the County Clerk when persons apply for a marriage license, from the WIC office, the Texas Department of Transportation, or the Hunt County Tax office as well as the sub-stations for the Tax Office in Commerce & Quinlan. 

    Our office has many duties such as processing a numerous amount of reports that are sent to us from the Secretary of State office that identifies duplicates from Hunt County and another Texas county, Deaths, Moves, Cancellations, Felons & records of persons who have filed for a new or renewal of their Texas drivers license, as well as all the filing of all this information. The District Clerk’s office sends us reports regarding the jury wheel of persons over 70 who do not wish to serve on a jury, as well as persons whose jury summons has been returned due to a bad address. 

    During County Elections, this office orders the ballots, all the election materials, secures the polling locations in the County, contacts all the Election Judges and Alternate Judges, and holds an Election school at each election to train the wonderful folks that help us. 

    Elections would not be possible if we did not have the support of the people in the community who work the elections; including the use of the polling locations. If you think you would be interested in the democratic process, we urge you to contact our office to be listed as a contact for help during elections. The phone number is (903) 454-5467, or you’re welcome to stop by, and our address is 2217 Washington, Greenville, Texas.
  • Name:required
    Phone Number:
    Reason for Inquiry:required