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Sheriff's Office
Terry Jones
2801 Stuart St. 
Greenville, TX 75401

Ph: (903) 453-6800
Fx: (903) 461-7793

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm



    The Hunt County Sheriff’s Office exists to meet the objectives of Hunt County for the safety and well-being of its residents.  This mission is accomplished through people and knowledge, our most important resources.  In the continuing pursuit of quality, we are guided by the following rules.


    Respect: We will recognize the worth, quality, diversity importance of each other, the people we serve and the Agency.

    Compassion: We will care about others and respect their feelings.

    Integrity: We will be honest and forthright and meet ethical standards.

    Efficiency: We will be prudent with our resources.

    Leadership: We will work together to set an example through leadership, which embodies respect, compassion, integrity, and efficiency.


Emergency Call - 911
Jail Information - (903) 453-6849

You must make an appointment in order to pick up property or evidence.  (903) 453-6849


Hunt County and the Hunt County Sheriff’s Office are, have been, and continue to be committed to respecting all citizens’ First Amendment rights, including their right to criticize public officials and express dissenting viewpoints.