Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
County Judge

Hunt County Judge  Bobby W. Stovall

The County Judge is the executive officer of Hunt County. This position requires that the elected individual act as chief administrator and budget officer for the entire county.
The County Judge presides over the Commissioners' Court, and is a voting member of the Hunt County Commissioners' Court. His official duties include overseeing the agenda process for meetings, rendering informal legal opinions to Commissioners' Court, ensures that notice is given for all court meetings and that meetings are conducted in accordance with State Law.
Questions pertaining to the official actions of the Commissioners' Court and operations of the County government are also directed to the Judge.
  • Hunt County Courthouse
    2507 Lee St., 2nd Floor
    Greenville, Texas 75401

    Ph: (903) 408-4146
    Fx: (903) 408-4299

    Monday - Friday
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm

    Jessica Sims - Executive Administrative Assistant

  • Name:required
    Phone Number:
    Reason for Inquiry:required