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Sex Offender Registration and Information


Hill County Sheriff’s Office Sex Offender Unit has registration appointments available at 10AM, 12PM or 2PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays and the last Saturday of each month (Excluding Holidays).  Contact us with 3 dates you are available to register that fit within these guidelines and your “registration window”.    Requests for an appointment can be made by in the following manner:

Voice Mail:  Call (254) 582-5313 extension 209.  Speak clearly when you provide your most preferred date and time first followed by 2nd & 3rd preference.  Also include your name, date of birth and a contact number where you can be reached.  If you have an email on file, you will receive an email with a confirmed appointment.  If you do not have an email on file, you will be contacted via the phone number you provided in your request.

Email: Provide your most preferred date and time first followed by 2nd & 3rd preference.  Also include your name, date of birth and a contact number where you can be reached. You will receive an email with a confirmed appointment. Click here


ANNUAL REGISTRANTS – 30 days prior to or 30 after the anniversary of your date of birth.

QUARTERLY REGISTRANTS – 7 days prior to or 7 days after the 90th day from your last registration.

QUICK REFERENCE OF REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: (This list is NOT all inclusive, to see all reporting requirements, refer to Chapter 62 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedures)


ü Personally appear to verify my registration information annually, every 90 days or every 30 days, whichever   applies to me.

ü Report the identification of any vehicle(s) that I own or operate.

ü Report a change of address no later than the 7th day before I move to a new residence.

ü Maintain an annually renewable Driver License or ID Card for as long as I am required to register.

ü Notify of any change in the following: my name, hospitalizations, job status, phone number and educational status.

ü Report any changes to online identifiers, including establishing any new online identifier not already included on   my registration form no later than the 7th day after the change.

ü If you visit a location on at least three occasions during any month and spend more than 48 consecutive hours in a municipality or county in this state, other than the municipality or county in which the person is registered under this chapter, you shall, before the last day of that month report that fact to: (1)  the local law enforcement authority of the municipality in which the person is a visitor; or (2)  if the person is a visitor in a location that is not a municipality, the local law enforcement authority of the county in which the person is a visitor.  You shall provide the local law enforcement authority with the following:  (1)  all information the person is required to provide under Article 62.051(c);  (2)  the address of any location in the municipality or county, as appropriate, at which the person was lodged during the month; and (3)  a statement as to whether the person intends to return to the municipality or county during the succeeding month.


Public Notification

In accordance with Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 62.056 ADDITIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE FOR CERTAIN OFFENDERS. 

The following person has registered with the Hill County Sheriff’s Office as a Sex Offender:

JUSTIN HAUG, E STATE HWY 22, WHITNEY, TEXAS.  Additional information regarding this registrant can be obtained from the Texas DPS Public Sex Offender Website which can be accessed by following the link below:


De acuerdo con el Código de Procedimiento Penal de Texas, art. 62.056 AVISO PÚBLICO ADICIONAL PARA CIERTOS DELINCUENTES.

La siguiente persona se ha registrado en la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Hill como delincuente sexual:

JUSTIN HAUG, E STATE HWY 22, WHITNEY, TEXAS.  Se puede obtener información adicional sobre este registrante en el sitio web de delincuentes sexuales públicos del DPS de Texas, al que se puede acceder siguiendo el siguiente enlace:



All Sex Offenders registered with the Hill County Sheriff’s Office are promptly forwarded to the Texas Department of Public Safety and are listed on their website.  Persons living in the incorporated limits of a city in Hill County should also check with your local Police Department to determine if Sex Offenders live in your area.  Hill County does not currently have restrictions on where Registered Sex Offenders can live.

If you believe a Sex Offender is not in compliance with Code of Criminal Procedures Chapter 62 Rules, please email us at soreg@co.hill.tx.us or call 254-582-5313 ext. 209 to provide a tip.  Include as much information as you can, but at a minimum we will need:

  1. Name,
  2. Address,
  3. Why you believe they are not in compliance.
  To search the statewide database, visit the TxDPS Public Sex Offender Registry webpage.