Our goal is to ensure Potter County taxpayers receive the maximum value for every expenditure and all purchases be conducted in a manner that preserves the public trust. Toward that goal, we encourage qualified vendors to participate in doing business with Potter County.
About the Department:
The department is located in the Historical Santa Fe Building in downtown Amarillo.
Operating hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The mission of the Potter County Purchasing Department is to:
- Ensure compliance with the County Purchasing Act as well as other state and federal laws applying to county purchasing.
- Provide equal access to all vendors participating through competitive acquisition of goods and services
- Conduct the procurement process in a manner that promotes and foster public confidence in the integrity of the County procurement procedures.
- Protect the interests of Potter County taxpayers without regard to any undue influence or political pressures

Vendor Registration
Purchasing Department Links:
Bid Opportunities
How to Do Business with Potter County
Online Surplus Auction
Purchasing Policy and Procedures
Conflict of Interest Questionnaire
Contact Us