The County of Potter announces all of its classified jobs weekly. Applications for employment may be obtained and submitted to the Human Resources Department on the seventh floor of Santa Fe Building at:
Judy Woodard, Director
Located at
Santa Fe Building
900 S. Polk Street Suite 705
Amarillo, Texas 79101
Phone: (806)349-4830
Custodian I Nights
Felony Intake Position
PAYROLL & PERSONNEL: (806) 349-4832
Sheriff Department
Sheriff Department has a separate employment process. Please visit the Sheriff Department for more information.
Community Supervision & Correction Department
Community Supervision & Correction Department also has a separate employment process. Please visit the Adult Probation/CSCD Department for more information.
If you are interested in applying for an open position, please call 806-349-4831 for information.
Potter County Employment Application - Paper
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