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For Burn Ban Information call 936-327-6826 Ext 0.
Polk County Fire Marshal's Office

John Fugate

Fire Marshal

602 E. Church St. Suite 145 - Please use the main entrance of the Annex.

Livingston, TX 77351

Phone: 936-327-6831 

Fax: 936-327-6883

Email: firemarshal@co.polk.tx.us

 Dispose of Old Tires Responsibly – At No Cost! 
 WHEN: Saturday, May 3, 2025
 WHERE: Polk County Commerce Center,  1017 US-59 Loop N, Livingston, TX 77351
TIME: 9:00 – 3:00   **or until full**
Polk County is hosting a one-day-only event to help residents properly dispose of scrap tires and prevent illegal dumping.

 FREE DISPOSAL - up to 8 tires per household

 Tires must be off rim and free of excessive mud or debris

 First-come, first-served until capacity is reached

 No commercial loads or oversized tires
 No tires heavily covered in mud or debris (e.g., buried tires from land clearing)
Why Recycle Your Tires?
Prevent illegal dumping and protect the environment
 Reduce fire hazards and mosquito breeding areas
 Ensure responsible recycling with Liberty Tire Recycling
Polk County Environmental Enforcement Office at 936-327-6831

Mission Statement

The Polk County Fire Marshal’s Office operates under the Texas Local Government Code, Chapter 352, Sub chapter B “County Fire Marshal.” We are committed to enforcing the law and to the prevention and investigation of fire and explosive incidents in the unincorporated areas of Polk County. We work with Federal, State, County and Local Fire and Law Enforcement Agencies. Our goal is to protect and serve the residents and visitors of Polk County from the effects of fire.



For inspection requests, or to report an issue please use the link below and fill out the form.

Request an Inspection, Instructions for Inspection or File a Complaint

All new commercial buildings constructed must be inspected and comply with NFPA 101 - 2021 edition and NFPA 1 Fire Life Safety Codes.

All firework stands and retail indoor sales locations must purchase a permit from the Polk County Fire Marshal's Office. Once approved the issued permit must be posted where visible. The permit application must include stand or retail store information, a layout sketch including structures, public parking, power lines, and building measurements, business owner and property owner information, and a letter or copy of lease or proof of ownership.

A Fireworks Permit is $300 Annually plus an Additional $60 for each additional stand / store owned after the first. The permit allows the sale of fireworks for all seasons voted on an approved by the Polk County Commissioners Court for the current calendar year.

Inspection and permit fees will be collected by the Polk County Fire Marshal's Office based on the fee schedule approved by the Polk County Commissioners Court effective May 26th, 2020.


Building Inspection and Plans Review Request - Inspection and Plans Review Form 

State of Texas Foster Home Checklist - Foster Home Inspection Checklist

Commercial Business Permit




Fireworks Permit Application

Mass Gathering and Outdoor Music Festival Permit

Burn Ban Information

To find out if Polk County is under a burn ban contact the Polk County Office of Emergency Management at 936-327-6826 ext 0, an automated message will play giving current burn ban information. Further information can be found online at Polk County Office of Emergency Management.

Termination of Declaration of Disaster and Order Rescinding Outdoor Burning

Outdoor Burning Information

Properly Constructed Burning Barrel

  • Q: Can I burn garbage?

    A: Texas Health and Safety Code 382.018 states: The commission by rule shall authorize outdoor burning of waste if the waste consists of: Trees, Brush, Grass, Leaves, Branch Trimmings, or other plant growth; 

    Q: What hours can I burn?

    A: You can burn 30 minutes after daylight and there must be no smoldering embers 30 minutes before dark.

    Q: How do I report someone burning garbage?

    A: You can contact this office by phone, fax, or the email address above. If the burning is happening while the office is closed you can contact the Polk County Sheriffs Office at 936-327-6810.

    Q: How do I know if there is a Burn Ban?

    A: If you live in an unincorporated part of Polk County please call the Polk County Office of Emergency Management at 936-327-6826 ext. 0, a recorded message will play stating if there is currently an active burn ban. Orders prohibiting outdoor burning can also be viewed on the Polk County website, and on the Emergency Management website at polkcountyoem.com
    • Identify the fire hazards in your home.

      Make sure to install, store, and use all fire susceptible appliances, materials, and items properly.  Read all warning labels and follow all instructions regarding fire and electricity hazards.  Some examples of products with warning labels that you should check include:

      Cooking Appliances

      • Stove, Cooktop, or Oven

      • Griddle, Waffle Iron, or Countertop Grill

      • Microwave, Convection, Rotisserie, or Toaster Oven

      • Popcorn Machine, Slow Cooker, Breadmaker, Electric Skillet or Wok, Hot Plate, Coffee Pot, Toaster, Etc.

      Heating Devices

      • Wood Stoves or Heaters & Fireplaces

      • Propane and Natural Gas Heaters and Fireplaces

      • Kerosene Heaters & Oil-based Radiators

      • Electric Heaters of any variety or size, including Infrared and Ceramic Heaters

      Cleaning Appliances

      • Washing Machine

      • Clothes Dryer

      • Dishwasher

      • Fabric Iron or Press

      Materials and Chemicals

      • Furniture and Drapes

      • Mattresses and Bedding

      • Clothing

      • Paint Thinner

      • Rubbing Alcohol, Hairspray, Fingernail Polish Remover, and other Beauty Products

      • Furniture Polish and Other Cleaning Products

      • Lighter Fluid, Gasoline, and other Fuels

      Miscellaneous Hazards

      • Extension Cords and Power Strips

      • Night Lights and Plug-In Scent Dispensers

      • Electric Outlet Overload

      • Fire-Starting Devices Such as Matches and Cigarette Lighters

      • Untended or Smoldering Cigarettes and Candles

      • Holiday Lights and Decorations

      • Curling Iron, Hot Rollers and Hair Dryer

    • Basic Firefighting Tips

      Before deciding to fight a fire, be certain that:

      1. The fire is small and not spreading.  A fire can double in size within minutes.

      2. You have the proper fire extinguisher for what is burning.

      3. The fire won’t block your exit if you can’t control it.  Keep your back to the exit.

      4. You know your fire extinguisher works.

      5. There’s no time to read instructions when fire occurs.

      How To Fight a Fire Safely

      • Use a sweeping motion with a fire extinguisher, aiming at the base of the fire.

      • Stand several feet away from the fire, moving closer once the fire starts to diminish.

      • If possible, have someone ready to back you up or call for help if something goes wrong.

      • Be sure to watch the area for a while to ensure it does not reignite.


      The fire is spreading rapidly.

      Only use a fire extinguisher when the fire is in early stages.  If the fire is already spreading quickly, evacuate and call 9-1-1.

      You don’t know what is burning.

      Unless you know what is burning, you won’t know what type fire extinguisher to use.  Even if you have an ABC extinguisher, there could be something that will explode or produce highly toxic smoke.

      You don’t have the proper fire extinguisher.

      The wrong type of extinguisher can be dangerous and life threatening.

      There is too much smoke or you are at risk of inhaling smoke.

      70% of fire related deaths occur from breathing poisonous gases produced by the fire.


      Smoke Detectors

      Early warning of a fire in your home means precious moments to escape safely.

      Install the proper number of smoke detectors in your home and place them correctly for the best protection.

      Number of Detectors

      • Minimum – One outside each sleeping area and one on every level of the home, including the basement

      • Maximum – One in each bedroom, one on every level of your home, and one in every living area

      Placement of Detectors

      • Place in the middle of the ceiling if possible

      • For wall-mounted units, place at least 3 ft. from any corner and 6-12 in. from the ceiling

      • Do no install a smoke detector near a heating or cooling duct

      Maintain Your Smoke Detectors

      • Once a month – Test by pressing Button

      • Once a month – Vacuum or dust front slats

      • Twice a year – Change batteries spring and fall; use daylight savings time as a reminder

      If you hear a chirp coming from your smoke detector, change the battery immediately!

      The Polk County Fire Marshal's Office has created a program to help provide Smoke Alarms for families in need. Funds received from Fire Marshal Inspection and Permit fees are used to purchase these alarms. If you are in need fill out the application below and submit it to our office. If you are in need of assistance with installation your local Volunteer Fire Department may be able to assist.

      Smoke Alarm Application

    • Choose your route to get out

      • Draw up an easy-to-read floorplan of your home.

      • Determine two fire escape routes for each room in the home.

      • For homes with more than one floor, prepare an exit that includes escaping from an upper floor window or balcony if necessary.  If an escape ladder will be used, make sure it is located near the window.

      • Choose a safe place outside the home for everyone to meet to make sure everyone got out safely.

      Practice your escape plan

      • Carefully go over escape routes and fire safety with everyone who lives in your home, especially the elderly and children.

      • Make adjustments to your plan if need be and update everyone on changes.

      • Hold fire drills at least twice a year to practice the plan.

      • Time your drills to express the urgency of escaping a fire.

      Precautions in the event of a fire

      • If there’s a fire in your home, exit immediately!  Don’t hesitate.  Get out and stay out!  Call 9-1-1 from outside or from a neighbor’s home.

      • If you must exit through a smoke-filled room or hallway, crawl under the smoke.

      • Feel any doors before you open them.  If the door is warm, follow your second escape route.

      • If the flames, smoke, or heat are overwhelming and block all of your escape possibilities, stay put. Close the door and call 9-1-1 if there is a phone in the room.  Tell the dispatcher where you are in the home.



  • TDI - Texas Department of Insurance & State Fire Marshal

    NFPA - National Fire Protection Association

    OEM - Polk County Office of Emergency Management