Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

James E. Powell

22001 FM 457
Sargent, TX 77414
Located Sargent V.F.D. Building - left hand side of the building
(979)245-0358  Fax (979)245-2805  

Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed on Fridays.         

Email:  jp6@co.matagorda.tx.us

Bureau Code 3524311
This link is ONLY for JP6 cases.
Instructions on how to pay online.

 Do NOT attempt to contact any judge directly concerning an ongoing court caseThis is considered  ex parte communication and is illegal under Texas Law. Direct all inquires to the judge's staff. The judge's staff is not allowed to give any legal advice.

For FREE legal advice please see the Self Help Resources section below. 

Texas Public Information Act

General Rules and Attire for Conduct


JP6 Court Staff

The Honorable Judge James E. Powell

Court Clerk:  Mindy Hefter

Constable:  William Orton


  • If you have been issued a traffic citation, the following plea options are available:

    1.     Guilty or Nolo Contendere (No Contest). Fine and court cost will be assessed.  For Guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea Form click HERE

    2.     Not Guilty, your case will be set for a Pre-Trial Hearing with the Assistant District Attorney. For Not Guilty Plea Form click HERE .

    Alternatives to Payment of Fines and Court Costs.

    A defendant who is convicted of a criminal offense punishable by fine only is entitled to alternative methods of satisfying the judgment against them if they are unable to pay the fine or court costs, in whole or in part.

    Alternative methods include:

    1.     A payment plan, allowing the defendant to make payments toward the fine and court costs in designated intervals. Note that if any amount is paid more than 30 days after the judgment assessing the fine or court costs then a $15 time payment fee is assessed.

    2.     A disposition of the amount assessed by performing community service. There are many options that meet the requirements of the law for community service, See Code of Criminal Procedures Art. 45.049 for full details. A defendant is entitled to a minimum of $100 credit for every 8 hours of community service performed.

    3.     If performing community service imposes an undue hardship, a defendant who is indigent or who lacks sufficient resources to pay may be entitled to a waiver of the fine and court costs, in whole or in part. Click HERE for Affidavit of Indigence.

    For Driver Safety Course Request, please review the following instructions.

    Click HERE for Driving Safety Course Instructions.  Should you qualify for Driving Safety Course click HERE for request form and plea.

    If defendant does not have sufficient resourced to pay, an Affidavit of Indigency click HERE must be completed and submitted to our court for review.

  • Juveniles

    If you are between the ages of 10 and 16 years old, you are considered a juvenile. 

    If you are a juvenile and have been charged with an offense filed in this court, you must appear with a parent or guardian before the judge in open court when you enter your plea. The child and parent must appear even if a licensed attorney appears in court on behalf of the juvenile. 

    Juveniles who have been charged with a non traffic offense for the first time may qualify to take part in the diversion program. This program gives an opportunity for the first-time offenders to resolve a citation without being formally charged in court. 

    If you are interested or believe that you qualify for the program, email the clerk of the court at jp6@co.matagorda.tx.us or call 979-245-0358. Once you agree to take part, you will receive a Notice to Appear for a diversion meeting. At the meeting, the clerk will discuss with you the requirements and expectation to successfully complete the program.

    In accordance to Code of Criminal Procedure Art. 45.306, to be effective January 1, 2025,



    A minor is a person aged between 17 and 21 years old.

    All minor defendants charged with an alcohol-related offense must plea in person before the judge in open court even if the defendant wishes to be represented by a licensed attorney.