130th Judicial District Court of Texas
1700 7th Street, Room 317
Bay City TX 77414
Phone: (979) 244-7635
Contact Information
Belle Cortinas, Indigent Defense Coordinator
Kaye Rollins, Official Court Reporter
About Judge Denise M. Fortenberry

Judge Denise M. Fortenberry earned a bachelor of science degree in Political Science from University of Houston and her juris doctorate from Pepperdine University School of law. In 2007, she began her practice as a general practice attorney in Bay City, Texas. In 2012, she was elected the Matagorda County Attorney and served in that position through 2020. She won election to this bench in the November 2020 general election and took office January 1, 2021.
130th District Court Protocols and Procedures
All hearings, unless specifically ordered, are in-person. To request a hearing, please email Becky Corenfield, 130th Court Coordinator.
The 130th District Court firmly believes in alternative dispute resolution and requires informal settlement conferences and mediations. Failure to abide to the court's mediation requirement may result in your case being reset or dismissed. Please become familiar with the 130th District Court's Protocols and Procedures below.
The court will utilize Zoom, a video conferencing platform, as it sees fit. Every hearing set in the 130th District Court is in-person unless a specific motion has been set, heard, and ruled on in accordance with Texas Rules of Civil Procedure and the 130th District Court's Protocols and Procedures. Please click here to familiarize with the Court's Procedures.