If you are between the ages of 10 and 16 years old, you are considered a juvenile.
If you are a juvenile and have been charged with an offense filed in this court, you must appear with a parent or guardian before the judge in open court when you enter your plea. The child and parent must appear even if a licensed attorney appears in court on behalf of the juvenile.
A minor is a person aged between 17 and 21 years old.
All minor defendants charged with an alcohol-related offense must plea in person before the judge in open court even if the defendant wishes to be represented by a licensed attorney.
Juvenile Diversion Program
Justice of the Peace Pct. 4 Juvenile Diversion Plan
Juveniles who have been charged with a non traffic offense for the first time may qualify to take part in the diversion program. This program gives an opportunity for the first-time offenders to resolve a citation without being formally charged in court.
If you are interested or believe that you qualify for the program, email the clerks of the court at jp4@co.matagorda.tx.us or call 979-843-5601. Once you agree to take part, you will receive a Notice to Appear for a diversion meeting. At the meeting, the clerk will discuss with you the requirements and expectation to successfully complete the program.