The Cooke County Detention Center is located at 300 County Road 451 in Gainesville, Texas. It is a 212-bed facility designed as an indirect supervision style correctional facility. The Cooke County Detention Center has 45 employees. At the direction of Sheriff Ray Sappington, the Jail Administrator and 1 Lieutenant oversee the Jail and Transport Division. The Jail Division consists of 4 shifts, each with a Sergeant, Corporal, and Detention Officers whose duties include implementing Jail policy while maintaining a safe and secured environment for both inmates and staff. The Jail is commanded by Jail Administrator Nathan Ervin.
Chief Nathan Ervin
Jail Administrator
Ann Yett
Jail Lieutenant
300 County Road 451
Gainesville, Texas 76240
Inmate custody site available now.

Inmate Visitation Hours
Monday and Saturday 3:00pm – 4:00pm
Thursday night 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Monday and Saturday 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Wednesday night 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Inmate telephone/mail information for families
The Cooke County Sheriff’s Office values the service of our Veterans. We would like to offer a valuable mental health resource for our Veterans by directing them to information on the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges that many of them face. Please follow the links below. Mental health self-assessments