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  • Court Reporter Blog - 

    -When requesting transcripts, please make your request formally via email. 

    -The date of the hearing MUST BE provided in your request, along with a cause number and defendant's name. (It may be necessary to first contact the district clerk's office at 409-246-5150 if you do not have this information.)

    -My email address is sharon.hamilton@co.hardin.tx.us.  My direct line is 409-246-5156.


    Please provide reporter with a list of possible witnesses prior to trial. 


    Acceptable digital formats are as follows: 

    For audio and/or video CDs, DVDs, and DVRs, ONLY MP3 and MP4 will be accepted.  Blu-ray format is not accepted.  All other formats must be approved by the Court prior to trial. 

    The Court will not accept any digital formats that do not follow these guidelines as set out by the Court of Appeals.

    Thank you!

    Sharon K. Hamilton, CSR #6443 Texas

  • "Join a Meeting" on Zoom - 4092465155 is our permanent meeting ID number.  No password necessary.

    TO ALL ATTORNEYS REGARDING ZOOM EXHIBITSDo not E-file exhibits.  Please submit exhibits at the time of hearing (via the "document share" feature provided by Zoom if hearing is via Zoom.)  Once exhibits have been admitted by the Court, please submit originals (via e-mail, if by Zoom) only the "admitted" exhibits to the court reporter (sharon.hamilton@co.hardin.tx.us) for proper filing with the District Clerk's office.  The Court does not wish to see the exhibits prior to the hearing, unless otherwise requested or ordered.

    ONLY Zoom criminal dockets will be accessible via YouTube (see link below) for the public's viewing.

    Zoom protocol guidelines

  • *ONLY Zoom criminal dockets will be accessible via YouTube for the public's viewing.

    356th Judicial District Court's Personal Meeting Room