Change in the amount of the budget from fiscal year 2023 to fiscal year 2024:
$5,169,041 22.62% increase
Of this increase, $3,534,200 is directly related to grant funding from state sources. Excluding the grant funding, the increase is $1,634,841 or a 7.15% increase
Property tax revenue budgeted for maintenance and operations:
FY2022: $13,412,966 FY2023: $14,049,812 FY2024: $14,589,100
Property tax revenue budgeted for debt service:
FY2022: $608,017 FY2023: $609,221 FY2024: $603,695
Property Tax Rates
Maintenance & Operations Debt Service Total
Adopted Rates
2023 Tax Year $0.462964 $0.019166 $0.48213
2022 Tax Year $0.476298 $0.020653 $0.496951
2021 Tax Year $0.477934 $0.021665 $0.499599