Rusk County Airport offers the following services:
- Lowest fuel price within 100 nm.
- 100LL AvGas available 24/7 with credit card (Visa, Mastercard and Discover)

- Wireless Internet Access in Terminal Area
- Free Overnight Parking & Tie Down
- Crew Car available nights and weekend with prior notice.
1500 US Highway 259 South, Henderson, Texas 75654
410 US Highway 79 South, Henderson, Texas 75654
Baymont - Courtesy shuttle to and from airport may be made with
prior notice.
Rusk County Airport Courtesy Car

- Pilots must notify the Airport Manager two days in advance to reserve use of the car.
- Pilots requesting the use of the courtesy car
must provide a copy of their driver's license and proof of
insurance to the Airport Manager two days prior to the date
of expected use.
- Upon receipt of proper documentation, contact
will be made with the pilot to explain method of obtaining
key, location of car and gate code.
- Pilots will be expected to return the car clean and full of fuel.
- The Airport Manager or his designee must be contacted by phone when the courtesy car is returned.
There is no local taxi service available.
Rental Cars are available through Enterprise @ 903.657.5214