Vital Records: Birth & Death Certificates, Marriage Licenses
The Liberty County Clerk's Office provides access to vital records at both the Liberty Courthouse location and the Cleveland Courthouse Annex. Computer kiosks and staff are available to assist you with your request.
936-336-4670 (Liberty)
281-593-8413 (Cleveland)
ID Requirements for Obtaining Vital Records:
To request a copy of a vital record, you will need to provide valid identification to ensure the security and confidentiality of these sensitive documents.
To view a list of acceptable forms of ID, Click Here (State of Texas site)
Marriage License Application Form
Applicants must present valid identification at the county clerk's office to complete the application process. This policy ensures the proper identification and authentication of the individuals involved, maintaining the legality and accuracy of the marriage license issuance.
To complete a Marriage License Application prior to your visit, Click Here
Search Vital Records Online
To determine whether the birth certificate, death certificate or marriage license you are seeking is in the Liberty County records, Click Here
Note that death certificates are available only for deaths occurring in Liberty County.
Request a Vital Record for pick up
Please remember to bring a valid ID when you come to the office. To Request a copy of a Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate or Death Certificate for pick up at the County Clerk office, Click Here
Request a Birth or Death Certificate to be delivered to you
Click the Permitium Logo below

When entering a request, please be sure to specify the form of delivery you want (regular or expedited mail, pickup at the Liberty or Cleveland office, etc.) Please note an extra charge is assessed for this service in addition to the regular fees required by Texas statutes. To access the fee schedule, Click Here.