Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you
  • Constable Precinct 5 - David Hunter

    22350 Hwy 321
    Cleveland, TX 77327

    Phone: 281-593-3189
    Mobile: 281-761-5749
    Fax: 281-592-1404

    Physical Location: 6 Miles Southeast of Cleveland, TX on State Hwy. 321


    Duties and Responsibilities of the Constable
    * scroll down to named office.

  • Namerequired
    Phone Numberrequired
    Confirm Email:
    Reason for Inquiryrequired

    The Constable’s Office of Precinct Five is committed to serving the citizens of Liberty County, by demonstrating a high level of professionalism and ethical standards while striving to be sensitive and recognizing the needs of the growing community and providing the best service possible by building a proactive working relationship through personal and professional development of community policing to make our area the safest and best place to live…

  • To submit a public information request, click HERE