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Texas Association of Counties

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Misdemeanor Court Information and Payments

For information about the County Court at Law misdemeanor cases and contacts, Click Here

Docket Schedule
To access the misdemeanor docket schedule, Click Here

Payment Information
For statutory costs, fees and fines for misdemeanors, Click Here

Court costs, fines and fees are imposed by the court. The County Clerk collects the fees imposed by the court. To make a payment on an existing misdemeanor court case, Click Here or bring cash, cashiers check, or money order to the County Clerk's office in the Liberty County Courthouse.

Or use this QR code to access the payment site:

On older cases, pay through Official Payments - Click Below

Petition for Nondisclosure
The Texas Office of Court Administration has forms and instructions available to petition for nondisclosure of certain criminal histories. To access the information on nondisclosure, 
Click Here

Report Change of Address

All parties or their attorneys must provide a formal notice of address change to the clerk of the court for call cases pending. To complete a mandatory change of address form with the County Clerk's Office for civil law suits, Click Here.