The County Clerk is the county recorder. As county recorder, the County Clerk is responsible for: processing, filing, and recording most of the official county documents (i.e.) real and personal property records, liens, assumed names, abstracts, bonds, livestock marks and brands, city, county and school district budgets, subdivision plats, military discharges, marriage licenses, birth and death certificates, and wills, providing indexing and public access to these records, issuing certified and non-certified copies of any documents recorded in this office, and assessing, collecting, and reporting the fees and cost The County Clerk is also the records administrator for Commissioners Court and the County Courts at Law. The clerk’s office supplies support personnel for civil, criminal, probate, mental, and juvenile court matters. Also, as an ex-officio member of Commissioners Court, the County Clerk serves as recorder and records manager.
OPC Records – Cheryl Sneed Front Counter - Diana Herron / Toni Murrell
Public Hearing to Adopt County Clerk Preservation Plan 2023-2024
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