Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

Indigent Health Care Program

Yvonne Geesaman 
Healthcare Coordinator

Physical Address
200 East 1st Street
Bonham, Texas  75418

Mailing Address
101 East Sam Rayburn Dr., Suite 301
Bonham, Texas 75418

(903) 583-2915




Office Hours

Monday - Friday

8:00am - 4:30pm / By Appointment


Contact Info

Office Phone:  (903) 583-2915

Email:  fannincoihc@fanninco.net



Indigent Health Care

Case Manager - Patient Advocate

  • Holiday Closings

    01/01/24 - New Year's Day
    01/15/24 - Martin Luther King Day
    02/19/24 - President's Day
    03/29/24 - Good Friday
    05/27/24 - Memorial Day
    06/19/24 - Juneteenth Day
    07/04/24 - Independence Day
    09/02/24 - Labor Day
    10/14/24 - Columbus Day
    11/11/24 - Veterans Day
    11/28/24 - 11/29/24 - Thanksgiving
    12/24/24 - 12/25/24 - Christmas

  • The Fannin County Indigent Health Care Program has a three-fold mission:

    1)  Provide access to care by paying medical expenses and prescriptions for qualified applicants.

    2)  Provide case management including specialist referrals, disease management, and encouraging compliance with physician orders.

    3)  Provide additional care by connecting our Indigent patients with various community resources to assist them in all areas of need.

  • Eligibility Requirements:

    - You must be a resident of Fannin County, Texas.

    - You must have an income level at or below 21% of Federal Poverty Guidelines [$263 / month].

    - Your resources must not exceed $2,000 or $3,000 if aged or disabled.

    - You must not be eligible for Medicaid.

  • Claims Address:

    Fannin County Indigent Health Care Program
    101 E Sam Rayburn Dr. Ste. 301
    Bonham, Texas  75418

    Claims Filing:

    1)  All claims must be on a CMS-1500 or UB-04.

    2)  When sending a UB-04, an itemized statement must be attached.

    3)  Claims must be received within 95 days from the date of service.

    Prior Authorization Of Services:

    All providers must notify the Fannin County Indigent Health Care Program of any inpatient or outpatient admissions and prior to any surgeries, procedures or imaging.  Failure to do so may delay or prevent claims processing and payment.

    Allowable Healthcare Expenses:

    1)  Family Practice / Specialist Office Visits - In Office Procedures

    2)  Inpatient / Outpatient Hospital Visits

    3)  Lab - Radiology - Diagnostic Testing

    4)  Well Visits - Screenings - Immunizations

    5)  Prescriptions - Diabetic Supplies

    6)  Outpatient Physical Therapy