Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

County Treasurer

The office of County Treasurer is established by the Texas Constitution.  All receipts belonging to the county must be deposited through the Treasurer’s office.  The Treasurer acts as the chief liaison between the county and its depository bank.  Duties also include: correspondent for social security, child support, county retirement, credit union, unemployment, workers compensation, supplemental insurance, and remits criminal and civil fines and fees to the State.

The County Treasurer is the payroll officer.  As investment officer for the county, the Treasurer is also charged with maximizing the yield on county investments.  The Treasurer reports monthly to Commissioners’ Court on the county’s cash position and investment performance. 

The Treasurer must achieve 20 hours of continuing education annually to be a certified county treasurer.  The designation of county investment officer also requires 20 hours of continuing education on an annual basis.

Responsibilities of the COUNTY TREASURER from the Texas Association of Counties

Pete Elizondo

P. O. Box 526
Goliad, TX 77963
361.645.4128 - fax

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