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Fence Regulations

On June 15, 1929, an election was held in Eastland County, in which a majority voted "For The Stock Law" thereby making Eastland County a "Closed Range" county. Following the election, on July 22, 1929, Eastland County Judge C.L. Garrett issued his proclamation declaring it unlawful for horses, mules, jacks, jennets, hogs, sheep, goats, and cattle to run at large in Eastland County.

Upon the issuance of this proclamation, the following minimum standards took effect concerning fencing:

Sec 143.028 Ag Code: "In order to be sufficient, a fence must be at least four feet high and comply with the following requirements:

  1. a barbed wire fence must consist of three wires on posts no more than 30 feet apart, with one or more stays between every two posts;
  2. a picket fence must consist of pickets that are not more than six inches apart;
  3. a board fence must consist of three boards not less than five inches wide and one inch thick; and
  4. a rail fence must consist of four rails.


On December 14, 2009, the Commissioners' Court of Eastland County adopted an Order setting regulations and guidelines on installation and building of new fences.

Any new fencing installed for and/or by landowners on property located in Eastland County and adjacent to an Eastland County Road must comply with the following regulations and guidelines:

  1. The new fence must be installed at a distance of at least 8 feet from the bottom of any parallel drainage ditch located in the county right of way.
  2. If any existing fence is to be replaced, the new replacement fence must be built on the existing fenceline or at a distance of 8 feet from the bottom of the parallel drainage ditch, whichever distance is greater.
  3. In all new or replacement fencing, the fence must not encroach into the county right of way.