For instructions in regards to disposing the citation you received please click on the link below:
If you are choosing to plead Guilty or Nolo Contendere and are wanting to pay your Fine/Court cost in full within 30 days of the Court Appearance date shown on your Citation, you may do so by Clicking on the following link for nCourt:
PAY BY PHONE AT (800) 701-8560
If you are more than 30 days past the court appearance date shown on your citation, there is a $15.00 time payment fee that is added to the total cost of your fine/court cost. The total fine/court cost/fees must then be paid directly to the court by mail at PO Box 165, Sonora TX 76950 in the form of a cashier's check or money order.
If you are more than 60 days past the court appearance date shown on your citation, then your citation has been or will be sent to collections. It must be paid through collections due to fees added to it for the Failure to Appear by clicking on the following link for Perdue Brandon Law Firm:
pay by phone at: 806-775-5550