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San Patricio County Elections Administration Office

                                         Pamela Hill

San Patricio County Election Administrator

410 W Market St. 
PO Box 579
Sinton, Texas 78387

Office: 361-364-6121  
  Fax: 361-364-6132

Email: sabsentee@sanpatriciocountytx.gov

Office hours:
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.
(Hours vary during Election Cycles)




           5 de marzo de 2024 ElecciónPrimaria Democratica / Republicana


      LAST DAY TO REGISTER (Último día para registrarse) February 5th / 5 de febrero

      FIRST DAY OF EARLY VOTING (Primer día de votación anticipada)            February 20th / 20 de febrero

      LAST DAY FOR BBM (Último día para votar ausnte por correo) February 23rd / 23 de febrero

      LAST DAY OF EARLY VOTING (Último día de votación anticipada) March 1st / 1 de marzo ELECTION DAY (Día de elección) March 5th / 5 de marzo


      SAMPLE BALLOT (Boleta de muestra)

      EARLY VOTING & ELECTION DAY SCHEDULE (Horario de Votación Temprana y Día de Elecciones)

      State Election Information & Turnout Data (Información electoral estatal y participación de datos)
      Daily Roster of Voters

      02/19/2024 - Monday
      Closed - Presidents Day Holiday  
      02/20/2024 -Tuesday
      In Person
      By Mail

      02/21/2024 - Wed
      In Person
      By Mail

      02/22/2024 - Thursday
      In Person
      By Mail

      02/23/2024 - Friday
      In Person
      By Mail
      02/24/2024 - Saturday
      In Person
      By Mail
      02/25/2024 -Sunday
      In Person
      By Mail
      02/26/2024 - Monday
      In Person 
      By Mail

      02/27/2024 - Tuesday
      In Person
      By Mail

      02/28/2024 - Wed
      In Person 
      By Mail
      02/29/2024 - Thursday
      In Person 
      By Mail
      03/01/2024 - Friday 
      In Person 
      By Mail

      NOTICE OF VOTING ORDER PRIORITY (Aviso de prioridad de orden de votación)


      (Aviso publico de probar el equipo para tabular electronicamente)

      PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION TRAINING (Aviso publico de entrenamiento electoral)
      ELECTION TRAINING MATERIAL (Material de capacitacion electóral)

      NOTICE OF ELECTION (Aviso de elección general)  

      NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE(Aviso de nombramiento del comite de verificacion de firmas)

      NOTICE OF DELIVERY OF BALLOTING MATERIALS TO THE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE (Avios se entrega de documentos electorales al comite de verificacion de firmas)


    • MAY 4, 2024 - CITY / SCHOOL ELECTION
          4 de mayo de 2024 - Elección de Ciudad / Escuela 


      LAST DAY TO REGISTER (Último día para registrarse) April 4th / 4 de abril

      FIRST DAY OF EARLY VOTING (Primer día de votación anticipada)          April 22nd / 22 de abril

      LAST DAY FOR BBM (Último día para votar ausnte por correo) April 23rd / 23 de abril

      LAST DAY OF EARLY VOTING (Último día de votación anticipada) April 30th / 30 de abril ELECTION DAY (Día de elección) May 4th / 4 de mayo

      SAMPLE BALLOT (Boleta de muestra)

      EARLY VOTING & ELECTION DAY SCHEDULE(Horario de Votación Temprana y Día de Elecciones)

      State Election Information & Turnout Data (Información electoral estatal y participación de datos)


      04/22/2024 - Monday
      In Person
      By Mail
      04/23/2024 - Tuesday
      In Person 
      By Mail
      04/24/2024 - Wed.
      In Person 
      By Mail
      04/25/2024 - Thursday
      In Person 
      By Mail
      04/26/2024 - Friday
      In Person 
      By Mail
      04/27/2024 - Saturday
      In Person
      By Mail
      04/29/2024 - Monday
      In Person 
      By Mail
      04/30/2024 - Tuesday
      In Person 
      By Mail

      NOTICE OF VOTING ORDER PRIORITY (Aviso de prioridad de orden de votación)

      PUBLIC NOTICE OF TEST OF AUTOMATIC TABULATING EQUIPMENT (Aviso publico de probar el equipo para tabular electronicamente)

      PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION TRAINING (Aviso publico de entrenamiento electoral)

      ELECTION TRAINING MATERIAL (Material de capacitacion electóral)

      NOTICE OF ELECTION (Aviso de elección sugunda vuelta)   

      NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE(Aviso de nombramiento del comite de verificacion de firmas)

      NOTICE OF DELIVERY OF BALLOTING MATERIALS TO THE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE (Avios se entrega de documentos electorales al comite de verificacion de firmas)


           28 de mayo de 2024 - Segunda Vuelta de las eleccions primarias

      LAST DAY TO REGISTER (Último día para registrarse) April 29 / 29 de abril

      FIRST DAY OF EARLY VOTING (Primer día de votación anticipada)          May 20 / 20 de mayo

      LAST DAY FOR BBM (Último día para votar ausnte por correo) May 17th / 17 de mayo

      LAST DAY OF EARLY VOTING (Último día de votación anticipada) May 24th / 24 de mayo ELECTION DAY (Día de elección) May 28 / 28 de mayo

      Boleta de muestra) 

      EARLY VOTING & ELECTION DAY SCHEDULE(Horario de Votación Temprana y Día de Elecciones)

      State Election Information & Turnout Data (Información electoral estatal y participación de datos)

      Daily Roster of Voters

      BY MAIL
      BY MAIL
      BY MAIL
      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL
      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL
      BY MAIL

      Aviso de prioridad de orden de votación)
      NOTICE OF CURBSIDE (Aviso de acera)

      PUBLIC NOTICE OF TEST OF AUTOMATIC TABULATING EQUIPMENT (Aviso publico de probar el equipo para tabular electronicamente)

      PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION TRAINING (Aviso publico de entrenamiento electoral)

      ELECTION TRAINING MATERIAL (Material de capacitacion electóral)

      NOTICE OF ELECTION (Aviso de elección sugunda vuelta)   

      NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE(Aviso de nombramiento del comite de verificacion de firmas)

      NOTICE OF DELIVERY OF BALLOTING MATERIALS TO THE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE (Avios se entrega de documentos electorales al comite de verificacion de firmas)


           5 de noviembre de 2024 - Eleccion general

      LAST DAY TO REGISTER (Último día para registrarse) October 7th / 7 de octubre

      FIRST DAY OF EARLY VOTING (Primer día de votación anticipada)          October 21st / 21 de octubre

      LAST DAY FOR BBM (Último día para votar ausnte por correo) October 25th / 25 de octubre

      LAST DAY OF EARLY VOTING (Último día de votación anticipada) November 1st / 1 de noviembre ELECTION DAY (Día de elección) November 5th / 5 de noviembre

      Boleta de muestra) 

      EARLY VOTING & ELECTION DAY SCHEDULE(Horario de Votación Temprana y Día de Elecciones)

      State Election Information & Turnout Data (Información electoral estatal y participación de datos)

      Daily Roster of Voters

      BY MAIL
      BY MAIL
      BY MAIL
      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL
      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL
      BY MAIL
      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL 

      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL

      BY MAIL
      BY MAIL
      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL
      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL

      IN PERSON 
      BY MAIL

      Aviso de prioridad de orden de votación)
      NOTICE OF CURBSIDE (Aviso de acera)

      PUBLIC NOTICE OF TEST OF AUTOMATIC TABULATING EQUIPMENT (Aviso publico de probar el equipo para tabular electronicamente)

      PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION TRAINING (Aviso publico de entrenamiento electoral)

      ELECTION TRAINING MATERIAL (Material de capacitacion electóral)

      NOTICE OF ELECTION (Aviso de elección sugunda vuelta)   

      NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE(Aviso de nombramiento del comite de verificacion de firmas)

      NOTICE OF DELIVERY OF BALLOTING MATERIALS TO THE SIGNATURE VERIFICATION COMMITTEE (Avios se entrega de documentos electorales al comite de verificacion de firmas)




                                Para los resultados de elecciones anteriores, por favor haga clic aquí
    Primer día de votación anticipada
    Primer día de votación anticipada
    Para los resultados de elecciones anteriores, por favor haga clic aquí
    Para los resultados de elecciones anteriores, por favor haga clic aquí 

    Elección general del 6 de noviembre / Elección de la ciudad de Taft / Elección de Mathis ISD
    Elección general del 6 de noviembre / Elección de la ciudad de Taft / Elección de Mathis ISD
    Elección general del 6 de noviembre / Elección de la ciudad de Taft / Elección de Mathis ISD
    Elección general del 6 de noviembre / Elección de la ciudad de Taft / Elección de Mathis ISD
  • What is a Vote Center?

    A vote center is a polling place where any eligible voter in San Patricio County may go to vote. The voter is no longer restricted by precinct to one location but has the choice of which polling location they wish to vote at! San Patricio County has ten (10) Centers where you may choose to vote at:

    ¿Qué es un centro de votación?

    Un centro de votantes es un lugar de votación donde cualquier votante elegible en el condado puede ir a votar. El votante ya no está restringido por el precincto a un lugar, pero tiene la opción de el lugar de votación donde desea votar. El Condado de San Patricio tiene ocho (8) Centros donde puede elegir votar en:

    Aransas Pass Civic Center
    Nature Trail Room

    700 W Wheeler Ave 
    Aransas Pass, TX 78336

    Edroy Community Center 

    17886 HWY 234
    Edroy, TX 78352


    GP ISD Training Center
    Room 4&5 

    1200 Broadway
    Portland, TX 78374

    Gregory Housing Authority

    103 Granago St
    Gregory, TX 78359

    Humble Community Center

    2821 Main St
    Ingleside, TX 78362

    Mathis City Hall Annex

    401 E San Patricio
    Mathis, TX 78374

    Odem Planter's Co-op
    Meeting Room

    200 Voss Ave
    Odem, TX 78370

    Portland Community Center 
     2/3 Ballroom

    2000 Billy G Webb
    Portland, TX 78374

    San Patricio County Fairgrounds Civic Center
    Ballroom A

    219 W 5th St
    Sinton, TX 78387

    Taft Kiva Hut

    401 Park St
    Taft, TX 78390

    El Condado de San Patricio tiene ocho (8) Centros donde puede elegir votar en:
  • Reason for Voting by Mail:
       *65 years of age or older
       *Disability (as defined in Texas Election Code 82.002(a), having a sickness or physical condition that prevents the voter from appearing at the polling place on Election Day without a likelihood of needing personal assistance or of injuring the voters health.
       *Expected to give birth within three weeks before or after Election Day
    *Expected absence from the county. (You may apply for a ballot for one election and its resulting runoff, if your dates of absence from the County include both Elections.)
    *Confinement in Jail or involuntary Civil Commitment (You may only apply for a ballot for one election and any resulting runoffs)

    Mail Application for ballot by shall be mail to:
       San Patricio County Early Voting Clerk 
        Pamela Hill,
     Elections Administrator
        410 W Market / P.O. Box 579
        Sinton, Tx 78387

    Or scan your completed and signed application 
    for ballot by mail, email or fax it to:

    NOTE: If ABBM is faxed or emailed or if an FPCA is faxed; the original application MUST be received within 4 business days.

    Click here for a printable application for ballot by mail. (Spanish)

    You can now track your ballot process on Votetexas.gov and also make any corrections that need to be made on your Voter Registration. 

    For Military/Overseas Voters
    Information Regarding Federal Postcard Applications (FPCA)

    FPCA Application

  • The integrity and condition of the documents must be maintained throughout the process. To that end, the San Patricio County Elections Administration adopts the following rules of procedure.

    All request must be made in writing to the San Patricio County Election Manager. Request may be in person, by mail or by email to sluna@sanpatriciocountytx.gov. Cost of each request are as followed:

    $00.10 per any printed page
    $15.00 for Early Voting Roster
    $15.00 for Election Day Roster
    $25.00 for Countywide list or Registered Voters
    $10.00 for Precinct, City or School District Registered Voter List
    $15.00 per hour for any work done in preparing documents. 

    Attached please find rules of procedure for In-Person Inspection of Documents

    For any questions, please call the Election Office at (361) 364-6121.

  • Jennifer Hay PO Box 823 Portland, TX 78374 361-229-3179 
    sanpatdems@gmail.comDemocratic Party of Texas   

  • Hart Intercivic Verity Hybrid Voting System

     Introducing the Hart Intercivic's Verity Duo Voting System

         *Touch screen
         *More Accessibility features
     *Verifiable paper trail

    Verity Duo is a ballot marking device (BMD) that tabulates votes from human verifiable information, not a black box barcode. Duo delivers an intuitive touchscreen voting experience and the reassurance of a printed, paper vote record for end-to-end auditability.

    Verity Scan ensures reliable audits of voter intent an enables fast recounts, with digital capture of full images of scanned ballots. Voting Data and audit logs are stored in redundant, physically separate locations. This means the scanner reads and records the same words the voter verified, ensuring 100% voter verifiability.

    For more information click here.

    VIDEO: How to vote using the Verity Duo (English)
    VIDEO: How to vote using the Verity Duo (Spanish)
    VIDEO CURBSIDE VOTING: How to vote using Verity DUO Go (English)


    Volunteer Deputy Registrars are entrusted with the responsibility of officially registering voters in the State of Texas. They are appointed by county voter registrars with helping increase voter registration in the state. They administer voter registration applications and take responsibility for making sure the citizen completes the application correctly so there is no delay in processing.

    To be appointed a Volunteer Deputy Registrar, a person must:
    1. Be at least 18 years old;
    2. Be a United States citizen;
    3. Not have been determined by a final judgment of court exercising probate jurisdiction to be:
    a. Totally mentally incapacitated; or
    b. Partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote;
    4. Not have been finally convicted of a felony, or, if convicted must have: 
    a. Fully discharged the sentence, including any term of incarceration, parole,
                or supervision; or
        b. Been pardoned or otherwise released from the resulting disability to vote;
    5. Not have been finally convicted of identity theft under Section 32.51 of the Penal Code; and
    6. Be a Texas resident.

    A Volunteer Deputy Registrar may distribute and accept a voter registration application form from any resident of the County of San Patricio; and distribute and accept applications from voters who wish to change or correct information on his/her voter registration certificate.

    You may be appointed at any time according to scheduled training dates. Volunteer Deputy Registrars appointments made during 2023 - 2024 will expire by law at the end of December 31, 2024. 

    Volunteer Deputy Registrar Classes are offered the 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 9 AM in The Elections Office, 410 W. Market St. Sinton, Texas. Call our office at 361-364-6121 to schedule.

    On August 10, 2016, a federal district court entered an order changing the voter identification requirements for all elections held in Texas after August 10, 2016 until further notice. As a result, voters who have obtained an acceptable form of photo identification for voting listed below are still required to present it in order to vote in person in all Texas elections. The acceptable form of photo identification may be expired up to four years. Voters who have not been able to obtain one of the forms of acceptable photo identification listed below, and have a reasonable impediment or difficulty to obtaining such identification, may present a supporting form of identification and execute a Reasonable Impediment Declaration, noting the voter’s reasonable impediment to obtaining an acceptable form of photo identification, and stating that the voter is the same person on the presented supporting form of identification.

    This requirement is effective immediately.

    Here is a list of the acceptable forms of photo ID:

    • Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
    • Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS
    • Texas personal identification card issued by DPS
    • Texas license to carry a handgun issued by DPS
    • United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph
    • United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph
    • United States passport
    With the exception of the U.S. citizenship certificate, the identification must be current or have expired no more than 4 years before being presented for voter qualification at the polling place.

    Here is a list of the supporting forms of ID that can be presented if the voter cannot obtain, and has a reasonable impediment or difficulty to obtaining one of the forms of acceptable photo ID:

    • Valid voter registration certificate
    • Certified birth certificate (must be an original)
    • Copy of or original current utility bill
    • Copy of or original bank statement
    • Copy of or original government check
    • Copy of or original paycheck
    • Copy of or original government document with your name and an address (original required if it contains a photograph)

    After presenting a supporting form of ID, the voter must execute a Reasonable Impediment Declaration.
    For more information, contact the Elections Department at 361-364-6121.


    Comunicado de Prensa:Electores que no poseen y no pueden obtener razonablemente una de las siete formas de identificación aprobadas con fotografía tienen opciones adicionales en las casillas

    El 10 de agosto del 2016, una corte federal de distrito emitió una orden en la cual cambio los requisitos de la identificación para votar en las elecciones que se lleven a cabo en Texas a partir del 10 de agosto del 2016, y hasta nuevo aviso. Como resultado, electores que poseen una de las formas de identificación aprobadas con fotografía para votar listadas a continuación aun necesitan presentar dicha identificación para votar en persona en todas las elecciones que se llevaran a cabo en Texas. La forma de identificación aprobada con fotografía no debe haber vencido más de cuatro años antes de ser presentada. Electores que no poseen una de las formas de identificación aprobadas con fotografía y que no pueden obtener una de las formas de identificación aprobadas con fotografía listadas a continuación, debido a un impedimento razonable, pueden presentar una forma de identificación adicional y llenar una Declaración de Impedimento Razonable, explicando el impedimento razonable para obtener una de las formas de identificación aprobadas con fotografía, y afirmar que la forma de identificación adicional le pertenece a la persona que está ejerciendo el voto.

    Este requisito entro en vigor inmediatamente.

    La lista de las formas de identificación aprobadas con fotografía es la siguiente:

    • Licencia de conducir de Texas expedida por el Departamento de Seguridad Pública (DPS, según sus siglas en inglés)
    • Certificado de Identificación Electoral de Texas expedido por el DPS
    • Tarjeta de identificación personal de Texas expedida por el DPS
    • Licencia para portar armas de fuego de Texas expedida por el DPS
    • Cedula de identificación militar de los Estados Unidos con fotografía
    • Certificado de ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos con fotografía
    • Pasaporte de los Estados Unidos

    Con la excepción del certificado de ciudadanía estadounidense, la identificación debe estar actualizada o no haber vencido más de 4 años antes de ser presentada en la casilla electoral para poder ejercer su voto.

    La siguiente es la lista de las formas de identificaciones adicionales que puede presentar si el elector no posee una de las formas de identificación aprobadas con fotografía y no puede obtener una debido a un impedimento razonable:

    • Certificado de registro electoral valido
    • Acta de nacimiento certificada (original)
    • Factura reciente de servicios públicos (original o copia)
    • Estado de cuenta bancaria (original o copia)
    • Cheque del gobierno (original o copia)
    • Cheque de pago (original o copia)
    • Documento del gobierno con su nombre y una dirección (original o copia) (se requiere documento original si contiene una fotografía).

    Después de presentar una forma de identificación adicional, el elector debe llenar una Declaración de Impedimento Razonable.

    Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con el Departamento de elecciones en 361-364-6121.

  • In order to vote, you must be registered. Applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the election date.

    In Texas, citizens do not register by political party, but simply register in their county of current residence. 

    You are eligible to register to vote if:

    • You are a United States citizen;
    • You are a resident of the county where you submit the application;
    • You are at least 17 years and 10 months of age;
    • You are not a convicted felon (unless you have completed your sentence including any incarceration, probation, or parole); and
    • You have not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.

    To receive a Voter Registration Application, you may:

    • Download and print Texas Voter Registration Application (pdf form).
    • Call the Elections Department at (361) 364-6121
    • Pick up an application at one of several locations throughout the county, including Post Offices and Libraries.

    Mail your completed applications to: 

    San Patricio County Elections
    PO Box 579
    Sinton, TX 78387

    or, hand deliver it to the Elections Department, located at 

    410  W Market St 
    Sinton, Texas 78387 

    You may fax your application to 361-364-6132 but it must be followed by the hard copy within four business days. (Please include "Application was faxed" at the top of the application.) 

    Note to those who renew their driver's license on the Texas Department of Public Safety website, DPS provides a link to update your voter registration application. Be aware you must complete the form, PRINT and mail it in. 

  • Texas League of Women Voters
    Texas Secretary of State
    Vote Texas