County Animal Control Services

Andy Snyder & Ronnie Williams
808 Commerce Street, Room 104
Refugio, Texas 78377
Mission Statement - Refugio County Animal Control's main function is to prevent the spread of rabies through investigation of animal bites, quarantine or testing of bite animals, public education of vaccinations, enforcement of county ordinances and enforcement of the Texas Health and Safety Code.
If you need assistance from Refugio County Animal Control, please contact the non-emergency number for the Sheriff's dispatch at 361-526-1696.
As part of its Standard Operating Procedures and annual interlocal agreements with the incorporated municipalities within the county, Refugio County Animal Control Services provides code enforcement to the City of Austwell, the Town of Bayside, the Town of Refugio, and the Town of Woodsboro. Those ordinances are provided here as a convenience for easy reference.
Refugio County Standard Operating Procedures & Animal Control Ordinance
If you have a lost pet or would like updates regarding Refugio County Animal Control Services, our programs with PAAC, including the Pet Retention Program and spay & neuter services, vaccination clinics, or more general information, follow us on Facebook: @RefugioAnimalControl

You can also learn more about PAAC (People Assisting Animal Control) and the various grant-funded programs benefitting Refugio County and the Coastal Bend here.