Texas Counties Deliver – learn how county government serves you

County Clerk 

Christine Jones

Mailing Address:
101 N. High
Brady, Texas 76825

Phone: 325-597-2400 ext. 2
Fax: 325-597-1731

Email Address: mccoclerk1@bradytx.net


Melanie Tovar
Deputy Clerk 
Email: melanie.tovar@co.mcculloch.tx.us

Kraven Sillemon
Deputy Clerk 
Email: kraven.sillemon@co.mcculloch.tx.us


Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

8:00 a.m. 
to 3:00 p.m.


  • Welcome to the McCulloch County Clerk Birth and Death certificate online ordering system. Online requests will be processed during normal business hours, Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    Online Requests CLICK HERE 

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  • Hours for obtaining a Marriage License are

    Monday -Thursday 8:00 A.M.-4:45 P.M. 

    Friday 8:00 A.M.-3:00 P.M.

    Marriage License: $70.00; Informal Marriage License: $41.00;

    Certified copy of Marriage License: $6.00

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  • Official Public Record: (Miscellaneous) $25.00 for the first page, plus $4.00 for each additional (this includes the back of the page) per instrument.There is an $0.25 charge per name after the fifth name on grantors and/or grantees for indexing.

    Must allow two inches down the page and three inches across top of page at the right-hand corner of 1st page for recording file stamp. Also, if there is not enough room left at the bottom of the last page for certification sticker. There is a $4.00 charge for putting on the back. This is considered an extra page.Sticker size is 4" across and 2" down.

    Plats$69.00 for the first page ($48.00 Filing Fee, $10.00 Records Management

    $10.00 Restoration & Preservation, & $1.00 Courthouse Security Fee), $30.00 each additional page.

    State Tax Liens:$16.00 Filing Fee

    Federal Tax Liens:$16.00 Filing Fee

    Assumed Name Certificate:$34.00

    Abstract of Judgments:$25.00 1STPg. $4.00 each additional

    Brand Registration:$25.00 per brand/per breed of animal.

    UCC Filings & Records:UCC’S are now to be filed with Secretary of States office.

    All Civil and Probates must be filed via E-File



    Real Estate Records:Standard UCC’S Financing Statement in the real estate records is $25.00 per page and $4.00 for each additional page.

    Copies:$1.00 per page or part of a page Loc. Gov't. Code 118.014 $5.00 for certification

    Birth and Death Records: Loc. Gov't. Code Sec.118.015 Certified Copies of Birth $23.00; $5.00 for searches fee. Certified copies of Death certificates $20.00, if more than one certificate is ordered at the same time on same person each additional is $4.00; $5.00 for searches fee.

    Marriage License:$69.00;Informal Marriage License:$40.00;

    Certified copy of Marriage License: $6.00

    Lis Pendes: $25.00, $4.00 each additional Must allow room at end of documents for recording file stamp.If there is not enough room left at the bottom of the last page for stamp. There is a $4.00 charge for putting on the back. This is considered an extra page.

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  • We are proud to offer our records online for search and purchase. Below you will find some helpful Q&A's to help you utilize our Online Records Search

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  • In 1997, the 75th Texas legislature passed Senate Bill 1 (SB1) to establish a “bottom-up”, consensus-driven regional water planning process to plan for the future water needs of all Texans. Coordinating this water planning process are 16 regional water planning groups, one for each regional water planning area established by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). Each five years, the regional water planning group is required to prepare and submit a regional water plan, which is then combined by the TWDB into one statewide plan.
    A link to an electronic copy of the plan is being provided to you below.
    If you have any questions or need additional information or clarification, please call Simone Kiel (consultant) at (817) 735-7446. 

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