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County Sheriff

Sheriff Marquis Cantu

2001 North State, Hwy. 16, Suite A
Llano, Texas 78643

Phone: 325-247-5767
Fax: 325-247-3273
  • Namerequired
    Phone Numberrequired
    Reason for Inquiryrequired

Racial Profiling Information

Current Job Openings

Visit MissingKids.com for information on missing Texas children.

Notices of Estray

Notice of Impoundment of Estray

Animal Control Ordinance


Public Notice - Attention Livestock Owners
The Llano County Sheriff’s Office is requesting all owners of livestock to submit the following information to our office:

• Owner Information

o Name
o Address
o Good contact number
o Anyone else that should/could be contacted concerning your livestock
o Name of “ranch” or gate descriptions.

• Animal Information

o Type of livestock (Cattle, Horses, Goats, Sheep, etc.)
o Distinguishing marks (Brands, Ear Tags, Coloring, etc.)
o Where the livestock should normally be

The purpose of gathering this information is strictly to return your livestock to you in a timely and efficient manner should they leave your property. The information collected will be used for the above purpose only.

Contact 325-247-5767 so dispatch can update the information we have on file.