Hamilton County only accepts Original, wet signature documents. Please either mail in this application along with the appropriate fee or bring it into the Office for recording.
Birth and Death Certificates
Hamilton County Birth and Certificate Application- BY Mail NOTARIZED and mailed to the County Clerk's Office with a photo copy of a valid ID.
Birth and Death Certificate Application in Person - Must be filled out and submitted IN PERSON at the County Clerk's Office with a valid ID.
Birth Certificates (application must be completed) $23 each
Death Certificates (application must be completed) $21 first page, $4 each additional
BIRTH CERTIFICATES / Actas de nacimiento
State of Texas Only
Certificate/County Clerk Fee
Local Government Code 118.015(a), TAC § 181.22, HSC
Vital Statistics Fee
HSC § 191.0045
Vital Statistics Preservation Fee
HSC § 191.0045
Actas de defunción |
Hamilton County Records Only
Search/Certificate/County Clerk Fee
Local Government Code 118.015(a), TAC § 181.22(b)(s), HSC
Vital Statistics Preservation Fee
HSC § 191.0045
Each Additional Copy $4.00
Order at the same time
County Clerk Fee
HSC § 191.0045
HSC § 191.0045
A long form birth certificate is the most comprehensive certified birth record. It is a copy of the original birth certificate. It will also show a history of corrections that have been made to the birth record. A long form birth certificate is often required to obtain:
- U.S. Passport
- Dual citizenship
- Driver license
A short form or certified abstract of the birth record will only show current information for the individual’s name, date of birth, place of birth, sex, and name of parent(s). This form will not show a history of corrections. A short form birth certificate can be used for:
- School and/or sports registration
- Employment requirements
- Driver license
Attention: The maximum number of Birth Certificates that can be ordered per person, per lifetime is TEN (10).
Who can obtain a birth certificate? |
¿Quién puede obtener una acta nacimiento?
The individual |
El individuo
An adult child |
Un hijo adulto
A parent (listed on the birth certificate) |
padre/madre (si está en la acta nacimiento)
Spouse |
Esposo/esposa |
A brother/sister |
A grandparent |
Abuelo/abuela |
a legal guardian or representative with proof of guardianship or attorney |
Un tutor o representante legal con prueba de tutela o relación abogado-cliente
After 75-years a birth certificate is public record and anyone can obtain a copy; they are still required to fill out the application and present identification. Loc. Gov't Code Sec. 191.004(c)
Después de 75 años, el acta de nacimiento se convierte en registro público y cualquier persona puede obtener una copia; aún es necesario completar la solicitud y presentar una identificación. Loc. Gov't Code Sec. 191.004(c)
Acceptable Identification for death and birth certificates (ID)
Documentos de identificación aceptables para actas de nacimiento o defunción
Acceptable Identification for Birth Certificates
Documentos de identificación aceptables
Who can obtain a death certificate? |
¿Quién puede obtener un acta de defunción?
Funeral director |
Director de una funeraria
An adult child |
Un hijo adulto
A parent |
Padre/madre |
Spouse |
esposo/esposa |
A brother/ sister |
Hermano/hermana |
A grandparent |
Abuelo/abuela |
A legal guardian or representative with proof of guardianship or attorney-client relationship |
Un tutor o representante legal con prueba de tutela o relación abogado-cliente
The informant listed on the death certificate |
El informante que esta en el acta de defunción
After 25-years a death certificate is public record and anyone can obtain a copy; they are still required to fill out the application and present identification. Loc. Gov't Code Sec. 191.004(c)
Después de 25 años, El acta de defunción se convierte en un registro público y cualquier persona puede obtener una copia; aún se requiere que complete la solicitud y presente una identificación. Loc. Gov't Code Sec. 191.004(c)
Marriage License / Licencia de matrimonio
The Hamilton County Clerk's office does not provide the service of marrying couples. We will provide the Marriage Certificate that needs to be filled out by the officiant performing the ceremony, and returned to our office. Appointments not necessary to obtain license, but make sure you get to the office before 3:30 pm.
Your marriage license is only good for 90 days. If not used within 90 days you will need to reapply for a new one. This license is valid anywhere in the State of Texas. If you are getting married out of state or in another country check with the laws of that State or Country. Once you are married you will to need to return your license to us within 10 days to be recorded. You will get your original marriage license back.
Obtaining a Marriage License
Marriage License $71
MARRIAGE LICENSE without Texas Premarital Education Certificate
License Fee (ML/CC $30.00, ML/ST $20.00) (ML/FTF $10.00)
Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(7)
Records Management
Local Government Code § 118.011(b)(2)
Records Archive Fee
Local Government Code § 118.011(f)
Vital Statistics Preservation Fee
HSC § 191.0045
72 hour waiting period from date of application before the license can be used. TOTAL
Twogether Completion Certificate Marriage license
Twogether completion certificate marriage license $11
MARRIAGE LICENSE with Texas Premarital Education Certificate
License Fee
Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(7)
$ waived
Records Management
Local Government Code § 118.011(b)(2)
Records Archive Fee
Local Government Code § 118.011(f)
Vital Statistics Preservation Fee
HSC § 191.0045
Copies of Marriage License / Copias de acta de matrimonio
Certified Copy Request for Marriage License
Copies of Marriage License (certified) $21
CERTIFIED COPY of MARRIAGE LICENSE: Hamilton County Records Only
Clerk’s Certification Fee
Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(3)
Page Fee
Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(4)
Informal Marriage License
License Fee (ML/CC $12.50, ML/ST $12.50)
Local Government Code § 118.011(a)(8)
Records Management
Local Government Code § 118.011(b)(2)
Records Archive Fee
Local Government Code § 118.011(f)
Vital Statistics Preservation Fee
HSC § 191.0045
Local Government Code §192.002(b)
No Charge
Certified Copy
Texas Government Code § 603.003(a)
No Charge