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Justice of the Peace
Local Rules of Procedure for Justice of the Peace Court


Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace

Judge Theresa Farris

440 East Main Street, Suite 1

Fairfield, Texas 75840

Phone: 903-389-8783
Fax: 903-389-2465

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m 




Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace

Judge James R. Lawrence

P.O. Box 218
Teague, Texas 75860

Phone: 254-739-2518 Option #1

Fax: 254-739-0939




Precinct 3 Justice of the Peace

Judge Cinnamon Archibald

440 East Main Street, Suite3
Fairfield, Texas 75840

Phone: 903-389-3137
Fax: 903-389-9409



Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace

Judge Lisa Hendrix

Mailing: P.O. Box 1255, Fairfield, Texas 75840
Physical: 800 Main St. Teague, Texas 75860

Phone:254-739-2518 Option #2
Fax: 254-739-0939