Mandy Chavers
County Treasurer
118 East Commerce Street, Rm. 102
Fairfield, Texas 75840
Phone: (903) 389-2180
Fax: (903) 389-5894

Treasurer's Office Staff
Holly King
Deputy Treasurer
Operation Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:00 - 12:00 and 1:00 - 5:00
Friday 7:30 - 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:30
Treasurer’s Office
Responsibilities & Services
The statutory responsibilities of the County Treasurer include the receipt and guardianship of all money belonging to the county, as well as disbursement of county funds for all debts to vendors and county employees.
The primary duties of the Treasurer's Office, as with all county offices, are defined by the Texas Local Government Code. Depending on the size of the county, certain duties may be shared by an elected official, while other duties may be partitioned.
The Freestone County Treasurer, as the chief custodian of all county finances, shall:
- Receive all funds belonging to Freestone County from any county department revenue. These funds are to be turned over to the treasury office daily.
- Keep and maintain all monies of Freestone County in the county depository.
- Function as the primary liaison between Freestone County and the depository bank.
- Disburse funds upon the order of the Commissioners Court.
- Maintain records of all deposits and withdrawals; reconcile all bank statements.
- Assure the accuracy and safety of county funds.
- Prepare the payroll for county employees.
- Designated as Freestone County’s Investment Officer and required to submit regular reports on county finance to the members of the Commissioners Court for review and verification.
- Function as Freestone County’s Human Resource Officer, Employee Benefits Coordinator, Risk Manager, and Insurance/Retirement Coordinator.
- Responsible for signing all checks and disbursing such checks as order by the Commissioner’s Court.
County Investments
As the investment officer for the county, the treasurer composes the county investment policy, investment strategies, and administrative policy for the investment of county funds in accordance with the Texas Public Funds Investment Act. She reports to the members of the Commissioner’s Court on the investment and withdrawal of investments of county reserve funds.
Continuing Education Training
The treasurer must achieve 20 hours of continuing education annually to be a certified county treasurer. The designation as a certified investment officer also required 20 hours of continuing education on an annual basis.
2024 Unclaimed Property List
2021 Unclaimed Property List