Press Releases
McGinty Receives 30 Years in Fatal Crash
Habitual Felon Receives 35 Years after Bench Trial
Criminal District Attorney Travis Koehn Announces Retirement after 43 Years
Jury Sentences Felon to 12 Years for Unlawful Firearm Possession--Richard Silmon Jury Sentences Serial Domestic Abuser to Maximum Prison Term--Richard Gatlin Jury Sentences Habitual Felon to Life in Prison, $10,000 Fine--Darryl Glenn Phillips Jury Sentences Habitual Felony Offender to Sixty Years in Prison--Damien Eveline Jury Sentences Kokenes to Maximum Prison Term for Stalking—Dustin Kokenes Gonzales Receives 13 Years for Aggravated Assault—James Craig Gonzales Jury Convicts Underwood of Tampering with Evidence—Myhaa Underwood Jones Sentenced to Maximum Prison Term for Deadly Conduct—John Jones Urbina Receives Life, $10,000 Fine for Indecency with Child—Cesar Urbina Tierrablanca Sentenced to Life in 29-Year-Old Murder Case—Blas Tierrablanca Jury Sentences Repeat DWI Offender to 12 Years Prison—Irby Allison Austin County Juries Convict Hayes and Jasek of Felony Offenses—Hiram Hayes and John Jasek Bluntson Receives 99 Years, $10,000 Fine for Attempted Capital Murder of Peace Officer—Travis Bluntson Jury Sentences Koehne to Maximum Term for DWI with Child Passenger—Dale Koehne Judge Sentences Wallis Man to Life without Parole, $10,000 Fine—David McGee
Ward Sentenced to 99 Years for Failure to Register as Sex Offender—Terry Ward Sealy Man Sentenced to 40 Years for Sexual Assault of Elderly—Jermain Black Wallis Man Receives 50 Years without Parole for Sexual Abuse of Children—Randy Hudson Jury Sentences Pickron to Life for Murder—Leonard Pickron Judge Sentenced Kalina to 25 Years without Parole for Sexual Abuse of Children—Christopher Kalina Merlos Receives Life without Parole for Indecency with Child with Prior Convictions—Tony Merlos Capital Murderer Sentenced to Life without Parole for Murder of Family—Maron Thomas Noel Galvan-Cerna Sentenced to Life without Parole for Murder of Dr. Gonzales—Noel Galvan-Cerna, Moises Galvan-Cerna, Misael Santollo Nunez Receives Max Sentence for Marijuana Grow Operation—Randy Masson-Nunez Cristobal Galvan-Cerna Sentenced to Life without Parole for Murder of Dr. Gonzales—Cristobal Galvan-Cerna Jury Sentences Wallis Man to 90 Years for Aggravated Assault—Carlos Hernandez
District Attorney Press Release: Hultquist Receives Max for Threatening to Kill Prosecutors District Attorney Press Release: Saralyn Proschko Receives Life for Sexual Abuse of Child
Press Release
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