The Austin County Historical Commission (ACHC) is dedicated to preserving and promoting the historical and cultural resources in this historic county. The Commission works as the local partner of the Texas Historical Commission and particularly focuses on cemetery identification historical marker dedications to note important sites and stories connected to the county.
Current commissioners (2023) include Don Allphin (Bellville), Tom Barron (Bellville), Kenneth Blezinger (New Ulm), Ruth Brooks (Sealy), Joan Buenger (Industry), Dianna Grobe (Wallis), William “Bill” Hardt (Brenham), James Hering (Cat Spring), Grace Holtkamp (Sealy), Ben Hosak (Sealy), Linda Jurecka (Sealy), Bryan McAuley (San Felipe), Ruby Miller (Sealy), Melvin Pechacek (Cat Spring), Sharon Speiss (Industry), Mike Vance (Shelby), and Carolyn Zaskoda (Sealy).
As part of our recent assignment of new commissioners, the ACHC is focused on three activities through a committee structure – Cemeteries, Markers and Oral History.
The ACHC meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every-other month, and at other times to conduct committee activities. To share information or concerns with the ACHC, or to inquire about the ACHC and its current activities please contact us at
Thanks for your support of local history and preservation.
Up Coming Events
Free Oral History Workshop |
Saturday, May 6th, 2023 from 1pm - 3pm |
San Felipe de Austin State Historical Site, San Felipe, Texas |
Presenter - Commissioner Mike Vance |
Registration is required by Wednesday, May 3rd. Please submit your: Name - Email - Phone |